Saturday, February 14, 2009

Xu7XXX - Part 2

OK, this morning I did hear Xu7XXX and he did hear me. Unfortunately, he only got the "8N" part of my call and we couldn't exchange signal reports. Our "almost-QSO" went something like this:

him: 8N?
me: N D 8 N ... N D 8 N
him: 8N?
me: N D 8 N ... N D 8 N
him: CQ CQ CQ de XU7XXX

Next time if he only gets the "ND" part of my callsign does that mean I can send him a QSL???

Paul - ND8N

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


So, I think I heard XU7XXX this morning on 40m CW - and I think he heard me. But he was running a 339 at best, so I imagine I was in the 2's. He was calling CQ CQ and more CQs and nobody was answering. Bummer. But again I am hopeful. At least I am hearing 'entities' that I only dreamed of hearing. Since I am limited to evenings and early mornings I have to admit that I've been working a lot more of the ASIA/PACIFIC region of the world.

Can't wait for the ARRL DX Contest coming up at the end of the month!


Paul - ND8N