The vertical antenna is mounted about 25 feet from my shack. Here I've posted a close-up image of the vertical in its tilted-down position. (No need to show the "up" position since we all know what "that" looks like.) The two black leads run down the support post to just below the surface of the gravel where it connects to a metal plate and about 20 radials. The copper lead is an AWG 6 solid wire connected to four 8-foot ground rods spaced around my little backyard. I put the last ground rod right next to where all of the cabling enters the house. I have a lightning/static arrestor that I hope to install soon as well.

So, last night I went through a shoebox full of QSL cards that I have been moving around with me for the past 20 years or so. Comparing the cards to the current ARRL DXCC List I found that I have 128 confirmed "entities" from my activities between 1981 and 1985, all on CW. Looks like I'll be applying for DXCC soon! I snagged China last week which gave me Zone 24 and leaves me short only Zone 26 for WAZ. I heard HS1CKC the other day on 40m CW, so I think it's only a matter of time... :-)
Paul - ND8N
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